وظائف تسويق الكترونى بشركة الانصار مايو2018

WE ARE HIRING: E- marketing Specialist Plan & Manage all online advertising events social media to generate sales ensuring sales growth. Develop and Managing the social media (Facebook Instagram ….) marketing strategy Providing Search Engine Optimization (Mainly Google) services to ensure that our keywords rank high in search results. We are seeking a qualified candidate for the position of Social Media Specialist with the following Job responsibilities: Manage and coordinate all digital marketing activities Work closely with the sales team to ensure new leads generation mechanisms. Translate the company’s objectives into marketing strategies Improve search-engine rankings ensuring

content appears high on search rankings. Share qualitative content on different social media channels Create send and answer email campaigns Develop easy-to-use clear concise comprehensible content. Integrate other online presences including social media outlets with email campaigns. Send out quality messages on these channels. Drive traffic to websites using a variety of methods. Develop density of desired keyword on page Research popularity of sites linking to page. Develop advertising campaigns. Create Internet ads. Establish an effective presence on social media sites. Monitor a company’s website contents traffic and online reputation. Maintain email lists to design and deliver emails and craft email campaigns. Solicit customer feedback and optimize campaigns accordingly. what’s asap: 01000367118 Email: hr@elansar.net


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