وظائف ARTICLE MARKETING SPECIALIST بشركة Nutri Health مرتب 2000جنيه اكتوبر2017

جهة العمل: Nutri Health
الدولة: وظائف خالية فى مصر
المحافظه: cairo
الراتب المتوقع: 1500 – 2000

تفاصيل الوظيفه:

age : from 21 to 24

 Generate, create, edit article that builds meaningful connections
 Search for articles at the same field
 Collect image content from external websites for advertising and digitel marketing team.
 Use content management systems to manage article resources and produce analytics reports.
 Manage the process of article distribution, including writing editorial copy, using content management systems, and facilitating distribution to external sites.


 Fluent in English
 Interest in image marketing
 IT proficiency
 Creativity, and ability to produce innovative and original ideas
 Good team working skills
 Knowledge in key areas of marketing (SEO, social media, content marketing, image marketing, PPC and SEM)
 Stay current in marketing trends and news e.g. Google updates and changes in algorithms

Key skills:

 Attention to detail
 Inquisitiveness
 Ability to cope with pressure
 Effective organizational abilities
 Team working skills
 Interpersonal and communication skills
 Strong research skills
 Analytical skills
 Numerical skills
 IT skills
 Time management skills

الهاتف: 01094338338
البريد الالكترونى: [email protected]

اشترك للحصول على الوظائف الجديدة اليومية:
وظائف خالية
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