Senior Completions Engineer Job Qatar, Dec2012

Senior Completions Engineer, for 2 year contract work – residential position with an LNG operating company here in Qatar. Our client is looking for a senior technical professional with extensive expertise in oil and gas project systems completion activities, with at least 10 years إقرأ المزيد

وظائف بقطر نجارين مسلح وحدادين وبناءين وميكانيكى نوفمبر2012

لكبرى شركات المقاولات بقطر
نجارين مسلح + حدادين مسلح + بناءين + مبيض محارة + عمالة عادية + ميكانيكى معدات ثقيلة
برواتب مجزية +تأمين طبي + بدلات إقرأ المزيد

Mechanical Construction Supervisor Job in Qatar, Nov2012

Mechanical Construction Supervisor, for year-long and non – rotational contract work with an LNG operating company here in Qatar. Our client prefer an engineering degree holder, has 10 years broad experience in all phases of construction planning, field execution and mechanical completion activities إقرأ المزيد

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