وظائف مهندسين ميكانيكا و كهرباء يوليو2016

EHAF Cairo مهندسين ميكانيكا و كهرباء – و تخطيط و عقود و حساب كميات
is seeking to hire qualified and hardworking candidates to join our team With minimum 5 years of site experience in the same field for the following positions:

1-Mechanical Engineer (5+)
2-Electrical Engineer (5+)
3-Senior Electrical Engineer (10+)

4-QS & Cost Control Engineer (5 and 10+)
5-Contracts & Planning Engineer .

If interested, kindly send your updated CV to
[email protected]
mentioning the job title in the subject line and copy me [email protected] .

اشترك للحصول على الوظائف الجديدة اليومية:
وظائف خالية
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